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Wigan League Locations

Our leagues closest to Wigan, Wn5 0dq
Leagues (A-Z) Sports Played
WIGAN (Standish Leisure Centre)
ST HELENS (St Augustine of Canterbury) Netball
NEWTON-LE-WILLOWS (Hope Academy) Netball
ST HELENS (St Cuthberts Catholic High School)
LEIGH (Leigh Sports Village) - Indoor Netball
WIGAN (Howe Bridge Leisure Centre CS)
ORMSKIRK (St Bedes Catholic School FE)
ST HELENS (Sutton Leisure Centre) Netball
WARRINGTON (Beamont Collegiate Academy) Netball
WARRINGTON (Padgate Academy)
BOLTON (Thornleigh Salesian College) *Brand New*
Map Overview


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