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Dorking Football League Locations

Our Football leagues closest to Dorking, Rh4 1uw
Leagues (A-Z) Sports Played
DORKING (Meadowbank Stadium)
COBHAM (Cobham FC) Surrey FA Under 13s Tournament
CRAWLEY (Ifield College)
ADDLESTONE (Fullbrook Sports Centre) Tue
CRAWLEY (Broadfield Stadium CS)
WOKING (Woking Leisure Centre)
GUILDFORD Godalming (Broadwater School)
HORSHAM (Horsham Football Club)
WANDSWORTH (Battersea Ironsides Sports Club)
PUTNEY (Ark Putney Academy) - Wed
EGHAM (Egham Leisure Centre CS)
WANDSWORTH (The Elms Wandle Rec Centre 3G)
HOUNSLOW (Heston Pools)
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