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ZPN - LONDON North - HOLLOWAY (St Mary Magdalene Academy Netball) - Thu

This exciting new Powerplay league is launching soon. If you are interested in entering a team, please use the link below. If you have any further questions about the league, please contact us on 0800 567 0757.

ZPN - LONDON North - HOLLOWAY (St Mary Magdalene Academy Netball) - Thu

This exciting new Powerplay league is launching soon. If you are interested in entering a team, please use the link below. If you have any further questions about the league, please contact us on 0800 567 0757.

ZPN - LONDON North - HOLLOWAY (St Mary Magdalene Academy Netball) - Thu

This exciting new Powerplay league is launching soon. If you are interested in entering a team, please use the link below. If you have any further questions about the league, please contact us on 0800 567 0757.

ZPN - LONDON North - HOLLOWAY (St Mary Magdalene Academy Netball) - Thu

This exciting new Powerplay league is launching soon. If you are interested in entering a team, please use the link below. If you have any further questions about the league, please contact us on 0800 567 0757.


is a Premier Venue which means it offers a host of extra benefits for our players including a dedicated support manager

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