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North Hertfordshire League Locations

Our leagues closest to North Hertfordshire
Leagues (A-Z) Sports Played
BALDOCK (Knights Templar LC 6AS)
ROYSTON (King James Academy)
ST ALBANS (Oaklands College)
DUNSTABLE (Creasey Park)
ST ALBANS (Cotlandswick Leisure Centre CS)
BEDFORD (AFC Kempston)
HEMEL HEMPSTEAD (Hemel Hempstead FC FE) 5s
HEMEL HEMPSTEAD (The Adeyfield Academy) Netball
HARLOW (Passmores School)
BERKHAMSTED (Ashlyns School CS)
CAMBRIDGE (Chesterton SC)
London North - ENFIELD (Powerleague Enfield) Indoor Netball
RICKMANSWORTH (St Clement Danes School)
MILTON KEYNES (Sport Central) Netball
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